Random thoughts from a swiss-cheesed mind
Last night I went swimming at Aunt Bea's. There were two women there, looked to be in their late 20's or early 30's. When Bea & I first got there, they were sitting at a table, chatting, and wearing shorts. A little later I noticed they were in their suits walking around the edge of the pool. They asked me how cold the water was & I told them chilly until you got used to it. They must have spent a good ten minutes hemming & hawing over how cold the water felt & if they wanted to get in. I joked around with them a little bit, and at one point one said to the other, "Look at this lady! She's older than we are & probably thinking we're a couple of cowards!" Yeah, I know I'm getting old... you don't have to remind me. And do I *really* look that much older than you????
Next thought: for those of you who don't know, I got my hair cut short. As I've gotten older (there's that word again [sigh]
Soapbox time: why is it you hear everyone complaining about the price of gas, but yet when you go to a convenience store there's cars idling everywhere??? When I was in college I saw these business-card sized notes you could leave on people's cars that said, "Hey a$$hole!!! You're an idiot because...." I would love to have something like that to put on those fume-producing, gas-guzzling autos.
Another soapbox item: Today I saw these signs on the left side of the highway that said, "Shoulder - Authorized buses only". It sure didn't look to me like there was room enough there to fit a bus. And have you ever gotten behind one of those things?? They really boogie! How the hell are the drivers going to be able to maintain control when there's a Jersey barrier not six inches away??? I think whoever thought up that idea should get the Moron of the Year Award.
I have some other thoughts but I'll save them for tomorrow. Don't wanna strain your eyes too much! (grin)
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