The Jeweled Rose

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Random thoughts from a swiss-cheesed mind

Instead of saying "Nothing much happened today" I thought to make notes about little things that happened so I could give all of you the benefit of my opinions. (grin)

Last night I went swimming at Aunt Bea's. There were two women there, looked to be in their late 20's or early 30's. When Bea & I first got there, they were sitting at a table, chatting, and wearing shorts. A little later I noticed they were in their suits walking around the edge of the pool. They asked me how cold the water was & I told them chilly until you got used to it. They must have spent a good ten minutes hemming & hawing over how cold the water felt & if they wanted to get in. I joked around with them a little bit, and at one point one said to the other, "Look at this lady! She's older than we are & probably thinking we're a couple of cowards!" Yeah, I know I'm getting old... you don't have to remind me. And do I *really* look that much older than you????

Next thought: for those of you who don't know, I got my hair cut short. As I've gotten older (there's that word again [sigh] ) my hair has developed waves. Of course, when my hair dresser styles it, it looks awesome. She tells me, "Just put a little scrunching cream on it, scrunch it real good, and it'll look great." But you KNOW... a hairstyle can NEVER be as nice when YOU do it! Personally I think my hair looks unkempt when I scrunch it, like I just rolled out of bed. But my friend Donna, who is my fashionista, told me when I curl & smooth it (like I did yesterday) it makes me look older. Her words to me as she left yesterday were, "Disheveled tomorrow, right???" So, yeah, I scrunched it this morning. She said it looked really cute, that "disheveled was hot!" Now there's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one!!!! So from now on it will be referred to as "My Oxymoronic Hair".

Soapbox time: why is it you hear everyone complaining about the price of gas, but yet when you go to a convenience store there's cars idling everywhere??? When I was in college I saw these business-card sized notes you could leave on people's cars that said, "Hey a$$hole!!! You're an idiot because...." I would love to have something like that to put on those fume-producing, gas-guzzling autos.

Another soapbox item: Today I saw these signs on the left side of the highway that said, "Shoulder - Authorized buses only". It sure didn't look to me like there was room enough there to fit a bus. And have you ever gotten behind one of those things?? They really boogie! How the hell are the drivers going to be able to maintain control when there's a Jersey barrier not six inches away??? I think whoever thought up that idea should get the Moron of the Year Award.

I have some other thoughts but I'll save them for tomorrow. Don't wanna strain your eyes too much! (grin)


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