The Jeweled Rose

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Making time to catch up

I know it's been a long time since I've posted. Actually, my last post was in October. Makes sense since I started back to school in August and Jake left for Iraq in September. I won't try to fit every thing into this one post.

First, school. Just finished up my second semester. For those who don't know, I'm going to Northern KY University to get my Bachelor's in Web Page Design and I'm minoring in Native American Studies. I know that seems like a weird combination - one is cuz I have to, the other cuz I want to. If the classes fall in line with my work hours I figure I'll be finished around Christmas of 2011. Figures - just in time for the end of the world, right? So far it's going well and I'm really enjoying it. I have most of my core classes covered (from transfer credit) and finished my last core classes this semester so can now concentrate on the fun stuff!

Next, the kids. Jake is home on leave - got in yesterday, will be here 15 days. I'm having dinner with him tomorrow night. Will try to make time when I get home tomorrow to post an update on how he's doing.

Vickie is still working at Spencer's, spending a lot of time at her friend Whitney's apartment. She's still with Emily and the two of them went to Em's prom on April 25.

Nick is still staying here and I'm glad to have him. Of all the "strays" I've taken in, he's turned out to be the best. (I can hear a bunch of you saying, "Who's Nick?" He's a friend of Vickie's who she met through another friend. The two of them look & act like brother & sister. He moved out here to go to college and when his apartment didn't work out I said he could stay here).

I have to say the Internet is a wonderful thing. Over the course of the last week I've gotten in touch with a few friends I haven't talked to for a loooong time. It's really nice.

Ok, that's enough for now. It's after 11 - I should go to bed. I have one more final tomorrow night. Will try to do a better job of keeping up.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wow, how things change in a year!

I just scanned my last blog entry. I can't believe how different things are now. Even in the midst of this "economic crisis" I'm caught up on my bills, I'm in school, and I'm (for the most part) happy! Yeah, I'd like to meet someone special, but I don't NEED to meet someone. If I don't do something, most times it's because I'm too tired or hurt too much, not because I'm broke. I have a great circle of friends...the only blemish in my life right now is Jake being in Iraq.

Life is good.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Stop the world I wanna get off

If I could, I would buy a piece of land somewhere & just become a hermit. Get off the grid, grow my own plants, detox my body & get all this crap out of it. I am so tired of fighting to get my bills paid - I take one step forward then three steps back. Just when it was beginning to look like I might get caught up (if I put in a ton of OT), I come down with this stupid double vision that makes it hard to work a regular day, let alone put in over-time. Then every trip to a doctor is more money I gotta lay out. I want to live someplace where they don't use money. Kind of like M. Night Shamalyan's "The Village". Yeah, I might be miserable for a few days while all the meds & crap get out of my system but I really think I'd feel so much better after that. I'm just so damned tired of fighting.....

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Somebody please bring me something good to look at....

Ok, so, I woke up yesterday morning with double vision. Needless to say I was freaking out. Fortunately I have a new online friend who used to be an opthamologist & he didn't say, "Get thee to the ER now!" But I did go to the ER around 11 - got Aunt Bea to take me. They did a CT scan on me & drew blood - all of which came back fine. What a relief that was! The doctor thinks it's migraine related. A couple of Sundays back I had a really bad headache and I've pretty much had one since then of varying degrees. The doctor called an opthamologist for me who said he'd be sure to get me in on Monday, I just have to call & make an appointment. I was also given an Rx for headaches. Just what I need - another drug. But that's why I'm asking for someone to bring me something good to look at - if I gotta see two of something, might as well be something good, right??? I'll do my best to keep everyone posted.

Ed left to go back to Arizona this past Thursday (day after Halloween). We had a good time together & I'm gonna miss him. Here's a picture of the two of us taken at a Halloween party the Saturday before:

Didn't do anything special for Halloween, just spent the evening with Ed. Did dress up for work though: Yes, that's the same hat...bought it to go with this outfit.

One last picture for now. This is a Halloween costume I made for a lady I work with. She was very pleased with it, as was I - I really think it accentuated her figure:

And on that note, I'm going to go lay back down. I've been awake most of the night (I slept most of the day yesterday) and I'm starting to get tired. Will try to post more again later.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

There just aren't enought hours in a day!!!

Ok, so here I am, up at 5 a.m. Actually, I've been up since 4. I'm making a Halloween costume for a friend at work, and I was hoping to get more done this morning. But...there's not enough fabric! Grrrrrr..... I went by what the pattern said & plus a little extra. This is so aggrevating. So guess what I'm going to be doing on my lunch hour!

I'm ready to kill the kittens, too. They're getting into frigging everything. They insist on laying on my fabric while I'm working, they keep knocking over my pin box, they go tearing-ass thru the house scattering stuff everywhere. Jake's friend, Kevin, said he'd take Sage & Felix but he lives in Houston & won't be back here til New Years. I hope I can put up with this til then!

I promised a picture of the bustier I made - well, here it is!And yes, I did wear it out in public! ‹VBG›

I can't remember if I posted about the Saturday I went to the Ren Faire with the kids. Went up with Jake, Trevor, Kevin, Megan, and Pat (Trevor & Kevin's Mom). Jake & Trevor both wore kilts - and looked very hot (if a Mom's allowed to say that!) Megan wore the garb I made for her - I don't know how the poor girl didn't pass out from the heat. The day was sweltering & her outfit was at least 2 layers, with the skirt & bodice made out of a heavy cotton (like upholstery fabric). Hell, I wore my lightest Irish outfit and was drenched with sweat by the time we left! And as if I wasn't tired enough from that, I went & invited a bunch of people over for dinner! Karen & her 20 y/o daughter Katie, Kevin, Trevor, their mom, Ed, Jake, Megan... a whole house full. (Pat didn't make it, though..too tired; Ed came over after dinner since he had to work; Jake & Megan came later too). I tell you what, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! Trevor flirted outrageously with Katie & that was cool to see. Karen had to bite her tongue like a hundred times to keep from making sexual innuendos (which embarrassed Katie). Jake told us some of his funny Iraq stories (like, "Situational gayness is acceptable"). Like I said, side-splitting laughter. Here's a pic of Megan holding Sage that's really cute. Sage just layed there like this for awhile, silly kitty. And another picture of Sage cuddled up with Kevin. One last note then I have to go get ready for work. Here's a picture of how I decorated my desk at work for Halloween.

OK kiddies, time to hit the rain room. Hope everyone has a good day!