The Jeweled Rose

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Just another day in paradise

Not much happened the last couple of days. Saturday night went out (again!) with Karen, this time to the "Taste of Clermont" in Batavia (the next town over). We didn't go up to Main Street where most of the action was, mainly because neither one of us is too keen on big crowds. Instead we went down to the coffee house where they were having a mini psychic fair. After Karen bought me a huge iced coffee we went out to the parking lot to see what was going on. There were very pretty, shirtless young men in leather pants playing with fire. That right there made the trip worth while! Some of the vendors were people I met when I went to the pipe ceremony (see blog of 8/24). Patches wasn't there but the lady who had given him a ride the day of the ceremony was. I don't know if she recognized me because she didn't say anything to me. But then again when I first met her she struck me as kind of odd.
Ok...I have to change gears here for a second...these kittens are turning into mischievous imps & they're making me crazy. Right now Sherbert is trying to climb on to my shoulder after attempting to get between me & the back of the chair. I had to let them in here with me because they were trying to destroy my wash bowl & stand in the little hallway. They had already knocked the pitcher on the floor & I'd be pretty upset if it got broken.
"Who, me???"

Now...switching gears back to Saturday....hope I'm not hurting too many brains! The vendors...there was Howard, a Native American who gave me the creeps. I was browsing his wares with no intention of buying (I was dead broke), and he started staring at me. I finally looked at him & said, "Is there something wrong?" After he said, "no" I asked him if he had a website, just to make conversation & after grabbing his card I lit outta there. Another thing I didn't like about him was his tent was the first one people hit when they came down the driveway & (according to my friend Kevin) he was grabbing everyone for a readings and not giving the other readers a chance. Kevin's tent was right next to Howard's and that's how Kevin saw Howard pulling people in. Kevin does Crystal Therapy, Reiki, and massage. I had brought him a gift of a dropped feather and in return he did a "grid" on me. (I need to ask him what the purpose of a grid is). Usually when I do something like that I can get into a meditative state pretty easily but I couldn't this time, mainly because flies kept landing on me. So he's said we'll try it again at this house. I'm looking forward to it - just for the relaxation factor!

Sunday slept most of the day. My sleep bank must have been seriously overdrawn for me to sleep that much. And even after all that I'm still a little tired. Really need to make an effort to get to bed earlier. At least I'm not waking up around 3:30 a.m. any more!

Looks like I jinxed myself. I was awake at 2:30 this morning. ‹sigh› Although it does give me a chance to finish this up, my damned sleep bank will be overdrawn again. Dammit.

Sunday morning was able to talk to my friend Karen in Sweden. That's always nice. Had to cut it short tho. :-( Vickie's friend Lani spent the night & her mom was coming over for a visit. I have to say, there are earth-bound pagans & there are spacey pagans & this lady definitely falls under the latter description. In the sixties she would have been called a flower-child. It was a rather stilted conversation to say the least. Maybe that's what wore me out so much I needed to sleep most of the afternoon!
The only thing worth mentioning about work yesterday is we had the first meeting of the committee to make things better in the office (see 9/2 post). A good dialog was started so hopefully this will really make a difference. What's kind of interesting is the four non-management associates are all pretty close friends. There's me, Donna (who went to Chillicothe w/me to see Tecumseh), Kim (we've done some much together I wouldn't know where to start) and Vicki (my break & lunch buddy). Wonder if Amy did that on purpose or it just worked out that way. But hey, it'll make it that much easier for us to work together.

One last piece of news before I close this. I got an email from Cindy, the lady who had picked up the Cooper's Hawk from me. He didn't make it thru the night. :-( She said Cooper's Hawks are especially susceptible to capture myopathy. Bummed me out big time.

I just realized the date. Don't forget to wear your red, white & blue today and fly your flag proudly. We can't let the bastards get us down.

Ok...I think I'm all caught up now, hooray! Til next time!


  • At September 11, 2007 at 8:36 AM , Blogger Whats New said...

    oh poor hawk! Man you sound like your incredibly busy with lots to do in your neck of the woods. Feel like a slug here.I just love reading your blog it is a way of getting to know you.
    Hugs and have a great week

  • At September 11, 2007 at 2:41 PM , Blogger Juli Rose said...

    I like being busy as long as I'm not bouncing around like Ricochet Rabbit!!! Glad you like my blog - I like reading yours for the same reason!

    Hugs & kisses,

  • At September 16, 2007 at 10:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    cute kittens! I really enjoy your blog. I like talking in person better though, just not enough time in the day!


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