The Jeweled Rose

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sleeeeep....I need sleeeeeep......

For some reason my body thinks it's necessary to wake up around 3:20 every morning. Last couple of nights it's been because it needs me to walk it to the bathroom. I've tried not drinking anything in the evening but my mouth gets so dry. My friend Terri suggested taking Benadryl, so going to try that tonight. I'm just so damned tired of feeling tired!!!
(I wanna do like the kitties do)

I forgot to mention the other day...for those of you who heard the story of Crazy Red Dress Lady, she sent me a check for making it. For those who *haven't* heard the story - in a nutshell, she said she wanted to learn to sew to make this dress. Turned out all she wanted to do was talk, and I ended up making the dress for her. After a couple of months of feeling like she'd taken advantage of me, I finally told her I needed payment for it. I wasn't entirely sure how she'd respond to that but at that point I didn't care. Oh, and I talked to Blade this weekend & told her I almost had her garb done. We arranged for her to come over for a fitting and I asked her if we could discuss compensation. Again, I wasn't sure how that would go over, but she didn't hesitate and said, "Oh, yeah, sure!" So maybe I *can* make some money of my sewing after all. :-D
Sage decided it was her turn to help me sew.

I have my mid-year review tomorrow & I'm not looking forward to it. Back in March, at my yearly review, I presented evidence to my boss showing how I brought more value to the company than they were paying me & why I felt I deserved a larger raise. Since then whenever we've had any kind of update meeting she's told me, "It's in the works". At our last meeting I got the impression she had news but was saving it for the review. And I'm thinking it can't be *good* news since she's waiting to tell me. This is why I'm looking for another job. Oh, and I went to lunch last weekend with a couple of ladies from work. The one told me story about how she was supposed to get a chance of title & the larger salary that went with it, but it never went through. She pestered my boss (the office director) and her manager for several weeks & nothing ever happened. This is another reason why I'm thinking the news tomorrow won't be in my favor.

I was out with a friend this weekend who was totally fed up with her man of 20 some-odd years. As she described it, he tells her she's the best thing that ever happened to him & he loves her dearly. Her response? "Yeah, well, show me..." This sounds like a song I've heard my house, when DJ was there. What is it with men? We don't need to hear it..we need to be shown it. At the very least, clean up after yourself. Do something simply because you know we'll like it. You don't need to spend a lot of money on us. As the saying goes, little things mean a lot. If you get home from work before us, make dinner. Or make sure the house is picked up. Make us feel like you appreciate all we do for you. INSTEAD OF BEING A BIGGER BURDEN ON US, LIGHTEN OUR BURDEN IN SOME WAY. So many of my friends feel like their man is just one more kid they have to raise. No wonder we're always so tired.

And while I'm on my soapbox: why can't people answer their emails? Did they not get lessons about ettiquette when they were younger? I have an acquaintance I've written to several times, asking questions. She's never answered me. However, the one time I wrote to offer her assistance with something, she jumped all over that one. Makes me think the only time she wants anything to do with me is when it benefits her. And that's why she's an acquaintance rather than a friend.

Reader's Digest Condensed version of my weekend: Saturday, had lunch w/Jake & Megan, went to a very small festival in Batavia, hung out with Terri the rest of the night. Didn't go to the Balloon festival because I was exhausted & was afraid I'd fall asleep during the hour drive there. Sunday went to KY to drop something off to a fellow SCA member, then did shopping at Wal-mart. Rest of the day was spent sewing. Yeah, I love my new Viking! Did get a bit of bad news Saturday night though: my Dad lost another dog to the idiots who go flying down his road. There is absolutely no need for people to go over 25 mph on that road - it's very narrow, curvy, and not very far from Dad's house it dead ends into someone's yard. There's kids that play in the yards along there - what if one them gets hit next???


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