The Jeweled Rose

Friday, August 24, 2007

A very productive night!

I got so much done, I'm smiling from ear to ear! I only have 3 more grommets to put on Blade's garb (only b/c I ran out) and got the prototype ritual robe done. I don't have a picture of it yet since Vickie's not here to take one. But as soon as I can, I'll post it.

Ok, horn tooting time! (Hey, if you don't toot your own horn, who will???) We finally have the new server at work set up & ready to go live. But.. it won't take the back up tapes used by our current server. This is a bad thing b/c I quite frequently have to do file restores. I was told by my server contact that we couldn't use our current tape drive b/c it's an internal drive & it won't fit in the new server. He priced an external drive at ~$1,000. This didn't sit right with me - I mean, why buy another drive when we already had one?? (AND the external drive was a refurb - that model has been discontinued). So I went trolling on the Internet to find an external housing for our current tape drive. Yup, you guessed it - I found one (where my server contact couldn't -yea me!). This will only cost the company ~$200. So with just one Internet search I saved the office ~$800. I jokingly (?!?) told Amy that if NW wanted to split that with me, they could put it in my Goal-sharing bonus. ‹VBG› And the crowd cheered!

I keep hearing this ad on the radio for "My Fair Lady", which is coming to town. Every time I hear "All I Want is a Room Somewhere..." I can't help but think of Crystle's version:

All I want is a room somewhere
With whips & chains & a grizzly bear
And candied underwear
Oh! Wouldn't it be loverly!

Dammit, you realize how much I miss you???

Speaking of Crystle, she's started a couple of blogs too. If you want a real good laugh & a warped (but sensible!) outlook on life, I strongly suggest you visit them too. I've added them as links on the side. ----->

I've taken on another project. (I really should have my head examined!) Remember I'm now a member of the Shadow Legion, an SCA household? Well...their web page hasn't been updated since 2004. The Webmistress is Zanna, a friend of DJ's who I met when we went to Memphis for ShadowCon in January. I've kept in touch with her & I asked her this week if I could help her update the webpage. (She hasn't been able to do it b/c she doesn't have a computer right now). Not only did she take me up on the offer, but she's made me her deputy! Oy. This should be interesting.

Got a busy weekend ahead too. Tomorrow going to a drum circle up by Yellow Springs. Mainly going b/c there is going to be a pipe ceremony (something I've always wanted to see/be a part of) and it's going to be done by Patches, the gentleman who gave us Malachi.Then Blade is coming over around 5 for her garb fitting. Sunday most likely will work on my green dress, the bead embroidery project, and/or the medieval girdle. Next Saturday is our Baronial Championship & I'd really like to have something to enter in the A&S (Arts & Sciences) competition. I'm thinking either the bead project (if I can get it done) or the girdle.

It's almost midnight & my eyes are starting to droop. Bedtime for Bonzo!