Somebody please bring me something good to look at....
Ok, so, I woke up yesterday morning with double vision. Needless to say I was freaking out. Fortunately I have a new online friend who used to be an opthamologist & he didn't say, "Get thee to the ER now!" But I did go to the ER around 11 - got Aunt Bea to take me. They did a CT scan on me & drew blood - all of which came back fine. What a relief that was! The doctor thinks it's migraine related. A couple of Sundays back I had a really bad headache and I've pretty much had one since then of varying degrees. The doctor called an opthamologist for me who said he'd be sure to get me in on Monday, I just have to call & make an appointment. I was also given an Rx for headaches. Just what I need - another drug. But that's why I'm asking for someone to bring me something good to look at - if I gotta see two of something, might as well be something good, right??? I'll do my best to keep everyone posted.
Ed left to go back to Arizona this past Thursday (day after Halloween). We had a good time together & I'm gonna miss him. Here's a picture of the two of us taken at a Halloween party the Saturday before:
Ed left to go back to Arizona this past Thursday (day after Halloween). We had a good time together & I'm gonna miss him. Here's a picture of the two of us taken at a Halloween party the Saturday before:
Didn't do anything special for Halloween, just spent the evening with Ed. Did dress up for work though:
One last picture for now. This is a Halloween costume I made for a lady I work with. She was very pleased with it, as was I - I really think it accentuated her figure:
And on that note, I'm going to go lay back down. I've been awake most of the night (I slept most of the day yesterday) and I'm starting to get tired. Will try to post more again later.