Just call me Polly Popular
That's the only way I can explain my absence. I've been wanted everywhere and haven't been able to get here. ‹sigh› Ok...so I left off on the 14th. That weekend was uneventful. I did have Raptor that Saturday morning and from there just went home & vegged. On Sunday I went over & visited Kevin for a while. It was awesome seeing all his crystals. I talked to him a little more about Raptor & showed him my pictures, whereby he immediately fell in love with Isis.
Monday Karen introduced me (online) to her friend, Ed.
And it's been all downhill from there. ‹grin› He reminds me a little bit of Iroh from the cartoon Avatar. He lives in AZ & is here until Oct. on an electrical engineering contract job. He works way too hard (seven days a week, starting at 4 a.m.). We had dinner last Tuesday, then dinner again on Wednesday with Karen. We either chat or talk on the phone every day. Haven't had much chance to do anything else since he works so much but when we do get together we enjoy each other's company very much.
I'd been thinking on how I could make some extra money & decided to apply to the Halloween Express store not too far from the office. I picked up an application on Tuesday at lunch, dropped back off Wednesday at lunch, stopped by Wednesday after work and was put on the schedule. No interview or anything. At first I thought it would be a lot of fun but after working this weekend I'm thinking not so much. Major complaints: no training WHATSOEVER - no "this is our dress code", no "this is the policy on breaks", no "our pay periods are...", nothing; it's booooooring - I walk around all night seeing if anyone needs help or if anything needs picked up; and since I'm walking around all night, my legs & feet hurt; and the part that adds insult to injury: only a FIFTEEN percent discount. I calculated what I made over 12 hours from Friday to Sunday and will be lucky if I bring home $70 out of it. When you add up all the "cons" it ain't worth it. Remember me talking about Vickie's friend Amber getting a job upstairs from me? She said they're hiring, and they pay $10.50/hour. They're having an open house tomorrow & I'm going to see if they're looking for part time help.
Ok, so... was supposed to go to a surprise party for Jake around midnight on Saturday. Didn't work out b/c his flight got cancelled, so Megan rescheduled the party as a non-surprise Sunday brunch. That was a lot of fun - but I always have a good time with all my kids. I love his little crown - the lights in it blinked.
I even got to wear it for a little while. Yes, that's a Halloween Express shirt I'm wearing. I had to go right to work from the party.‹sigh›
I would like to mention one last thing before I close this. Sometimes what you think is a curse can turn into a blessing. Our school system is trying to blackmail the parents into passing a levy by taking away busing for the older kids. So b/c of that I have to give Vickie a ride to school every morning. I've actually come to enjoy that time with her. It's just the two of us and it gives us a chance to chat. So, Milford Schools, you can keep your stupid buses. :-p
Monday Karen introduced me (online) to her friend, Ed.
I'd been thinking on how I could make some extra money & decided to apply to the Halloween Express store not too far from the office. I picked up an application on Tuesday at lunch, dropped back off Wednesday at lunch, stopped by Wednesday after work and was put on the schedule. No interview or anything. At first I thought it would be a lot of fun but after working this weekend I'm thinking not so much. Major complaints: no training WHATSOEVER - no "this is our dress code", no "this is the policy on breaks", no "our pay periods are...", nothing; it's booooooring - I walk around all night seeing if anyone needs help or if anything needs picked up; and since I'm walking around all night, my legs & feet hurt; and the part that adds insult to injury: only a FIFTEEN percent discount. I calculated what I made over 12 hours from Friday to Sunday and will be lucky if I bring home $70 out of it. When you add up all the "cons" it ain't worth it. Remember me talking about Vickie's friend Amber getting a job upstairs from me? She said they're hiring, and they pay $10.50/hour. They're having an open house tomorrow & I'm going to see if they're looking for part time help.
Ok, so... was supposed to go to a surprise party for Jake around midnight on Saturday. Didn't work out b/c his flight got cancelled, so Megan rescheduled the party as a non-surprise Sunday brunch. That was a lot of fun - but I always have a good time with all my kids. I love his little crown - the lights in it blinked.