The Jeweled Rose

Monday, November 12, 2007

Stop the world I wanna get off

If I could, I would buy a piece of land somewhere & just become a hermit. Get off the grid, grow my own plants, detox my body & get all this crap out of it. I am so tired of fighting to get my bills paid - I take one step forward then three steps back. Just when it was beginning to look like I might get caught up (if I put in a ton of OT), I come down with this stupid double vision that makes it hard to work a regular day, let alone put in over-time. Then every trip to a doctor is more money I gotta lay out. I want to live someplace where they don't use money. Kind of like M. Night Shamalyan's "The Village". Yeah, I might be miserable for a few days while all the meds & crap get out of my system but I really think I'd feel so much better after that. I'm just so damned tired of fighting.....